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EMAC 2023 Annual

The influence of chatbot disclosure on customer reuse intention: The mediating role of social presence

Published: May 24, 2023


Sebastian Düppre, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern; Stefan Roth, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern


Digital technologies such as chatbots are leading to major changes how companies interact with customers. Chatbots are becoming a powerful tool to address customer needs. However, there is only little research with varying results. Disclosing the identity of a chatbot is mostly associated with negative user reactions. This study examines the role of social presence in an anthropomorphic chatbot-customer-interaction. We conduct an experimental online study to analyse the influence of disclosure on customer reuse intention and the mediating role of social presence. We find a partial mediation of social presence in the relation of disclosure and reuse intention. When chatbots are disclosed after the conversation they seen more as social actors and social presence has a positive effect on the reuse intention. However, the direct effect of disclosure after the conversation has negative outcomes on reuse intention. This study advances the current understanding of chatbot disclosure.